Ovoro Contributors Program

November 15, 2022
3 min read

Currently, the program is closed.

OVORO Contributors program

Ovoro is launching a Contributors program for the most active members of our community. It is designed to identify, reward and work with those who wish to improve the community, create content and work directly and closely with the Oworo team.

The program will consist of several stages, at the moment we are recruiting for the first stage in the coming months.

We will also actively help and mentor our participants. For the most active and the best, we have prepared a special fund of awards and incentives.

Who You Are

Passionate about and believe in OVORO.

Eager to get more involved with the OVORO team and help the project grow.

Want access to the team building OVORO?

Are interested in networking with other people in the OVORO community.

We are excited to impact the growth of the OVORO network.

What You’ll Do

Be active in our community (Discord, Twitter, etc)

Create content by writing blogs or contributing to code and tutorials

Host meetups

Represent your region or country in the community

Get support for initiatives that support the OVORO mission

Participate in regular update calls with other contributors

There are many roles in which you can contribute to OVORO, depending on your background and skills.

Community management (Discord, Telegram, etc)

Creative work (design, arts, memes, video content, etc)

Content creation (articles, blogs, news, translation, etc)

Local ambassador in your country, region, language

Events (AMA, workshop, meet-ups, etc)

Active community member (brainstorming, active discussing, etc)


Technical education (tutorials, toolings, etc)

Detailed information

Max participants — unlimited

Duration — 6 months (1st stage of the program)

Ambassador Benefits

Becoming a Contributor has benefits — Ovoro Ambassadors get access to resources, onboarding, and support from existing experts. You’ll also join a worldwide network of Ambassadors composed of creators, developers, and other key community members.

In addition, we create a pool of rewards for the next contributors and the minimal profit will be — a minimum of 100 $ to OVORO App balance (!) in the future the full version of the app with real money,

for the best contributors after 1 stage (6–7 months, before we will go to the full version of the app) and special benefits in the future. Also, you will receive the next benefits

Earning valuable professional experience (and related on-chain credentials)

Sharing knowledge and expertise

Learning new skills

Connecting with like-minded people

Becoming the voice of the community (and earning respective social capital)

Direct access to core Ovoro developers for support, guidance, and development and opportunities to earn

Exclusive access to ambassador-only channels, and opportunities to connect with creators, developers, and key members of our community

Kickstart your Web3 career with hands-on experience and make your name is known in the Ovoro and Web3 ecosystem

How You Can be a participant of the Contributor program

Submit an application — our Form for contributors

Interview with team and choose the roles

Achieve a Contributor status

Complete tasks and collect points for each task and activity

After becoming a contributor we will actively work with you, call you during the month, and set open tasks for the month.