Human Error in Trading

January 24, 2023
5 min read

As in any area of life, human error exists in trading, too. In fact, it is a common and important issue that can lead to significant financial losses because even small mistakes can have a big impact on profitability. Traders are humans, and humans make mistakes for many reasons, including but not limited to stress, fatigue, greed, distractions, and cognitive biases.

Apart from analysis errors that can happen when a trader makes a mistake while analyzing the market, for example, they misinterpret data or fail to consider critical factors, in this article, we will talk about the role of psychology in trading and how it can lead to poor decision-making.

The role of psychology in trading

The role of psychology in trading cannot be underestimated or ignored. Strong emotions like fear, greed, and excitement can influence traders’ decisions and lead to poor results. That is why traders should better understand and manage their emotional responses to market fluctuations.


Fear and anxiety

Traders may experience fear of failure or anxiety when facing losses. To avoid risks, they may hesitate to act and, as a result, miss out on opportunities.

Greed is another strong emotion that traders must be aware of, as it can be very damaging. Greed can be very blinding and can cause a trader to overlook certain important factors and lead them to make hasty and very costly decisions.

Common cognitive biases


When overconfident, traders overestimate their abilities, knowledge, and capacity to accurately predict market movements rather than use available data to support their decision-making. Very often, that leads to unnecessary risks and may result in huge losses.

A girl pointing her finger t herself as in I am the one
Overconfidence can lead to poor decision-making.


The recency bias can lead traders to make decisions based only on recent news or short-term market movements instead of looking at the bigger picture. While recent events and news in the industry are indeed important — before making a move — it is critical to look for patterns or trends over time to make a more informed decision.


Another common bias that can impact trading is the confirmation bias, which happens when a trader looks for and interprets information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs or hypotheses. That can lead to a lack of objectivity when evaluating potential trades and — ultimately — result in poor decision-making and profit loss.

To avoid impulsive trading, traders, crypto or not, must be aware of these biases and work to overcome them. Looking for and relying on objective data, and developing a trading plan, can help with that.

Human error in technical analysis

Traders and technical analysts use charts and other tools to identify patterns and trends that predict future market movements.

An example of a candlestick chart.

Misinterpreting charts and making incorrect analyses due to, for example, lack of experience in trading or stress and fatigue can lead to arriving at the wrong conclusions and poor decisions. In addition, heavily relying on a single technical indicator such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) or the Moving Average narrows the picture and affects objectivity.

To avoid these mistakes, traders should work on improving their understanding of the technical indicators and the chart patterns they work with. Using multiple indicators to confirm market signals can help traders see the bigger picture and improve decision-making.

Human error in crypto trading

Crypto trading presents unique challenges to traders. The market is very unpredictable, and because there is little regulation, it is hard to get reliable information.

Because of the hype and media attention surrounding various cryptocurrencies, for fear of missing out on potential gains, people trading crypto may jump too soon on trades and make the wrong decisions by doing so.

Some of the most common mistakes traders make in crypto trading include:

Not diversifying their portfolio

Instead of investing in different cryptocurrencies, some traders put all their money into one or two coins. That can be very risky because a single coin can experience a sudden drop in value and cause significant losses.

Not doing their homework

Acting on the wrong or insider information and following the crowd without doing your own research can also be very risky, especially when trading with cryptocurrencies.

To avoid the above mistakes, consider the following:

  1. Diversify your portfolio
  2. Do your own research and use reputable sources
  3. Stay up to date with regulations

Human errors in risk management

Risk management is a critical aspect of trading, and it is crucial to have a strategy in place to minimize potential losses.

A common error traders make in risk management is overleveraging, meaning a trader uses too much borrowed capital (leverage) to trade. That can lead to significant losses if the trade does not go as planned.

Another error that traders make is ignoring stop-loss orders. A stop-loss order or point is a risk management tool that automatically closes a trade when it reaches a certain loss level.

Lastly, the lack of diversification is a key gap in any trader’s risk management strategy.

Stoploss points are an important risk management tool.

To avoid the above errors, as a trader, you should have a thorough risk management plan, set appropriate leverage levels, use stop-loss points, diversify your portfolio, and be aware of your own risk tolerance. It also helps to regularly review and adjust your risk management strategy based on market conditions.

In conclusion

Human errors can lead to significant losses and negatively impact your long-term goals as a trader. Apart from the steps listed above that you can take to improve your decision-making, using trading software that includes safeguards that eliminate common errors can be the best way to go.

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